Saturday: Integral Yoga Hatha – Class Level 1-2

Sequence 1:
Reading: The Golden Present
Chant: Om Namah Shivaya
Netra Veyayamum: circles from sitting position
Cat/cow with optional leg extensions (right, left)
Step back into plank, hold a few breaths then into downward dog – walk the dog
Plank – Akasha Bhujangasana warm-up sequence – 2xs
Walk up to Utthanasana. Hands to shin, extend spine, arms to sides. Hinge up.
Surya Namaskarum:
#1: basic round, holding lunge.
#2: Anjanayasana, holding with arms in prayer position. Option to extend the back leg. Extend right arm alongside the right ear, lower body at an angel. Keep left down or also extend alongside left ear.
#3: Anjanayasana, hamstring stretch – extend lunged leg 3xs, change sides. Lift back knee off of the floor – 3xs. On 3rd extension, option to extend the arms alongside the ears. Then moving into knees-chest-chin or optional Akasha Bhujangasana.
Hands on shin, extend spine and hinge from hips to return to standing.
Standing Shivasana
Step back to lunge, move into plank position, lower with or without knees to Advasana.
Move arms around to be alongside ears on the floor, preparing for Sphinx pose.
Moving in 3 stages, pull into Sphinx pose. Hold here or option to extend the arms.
Inhale arms again to alongside the ears on the floor, moving into Ardha Salabasana variation.
Lifting opposite arm as leg, starting with the right leg – 2xs each side.
Lift up to plank with our without bringing in the knees to assist, move back into Balasana
Roll up into Vajrasana, then shift off hips to move into Badrasana.
Sit tall, extend spine. Option to shift forward with long spine, then relax body forward.
Lift the torso, then extend right leg forward for Janu Sirshasana, both sides
Lift left knee up, pull in right knee, sitting tall.
Shift back for Paschima Navasana sequence:
Shift back on hips, lift each leg, extend the arms alongside legs.
Reverse through and repeat. Optional leg extension after legs lift.
Squeeze in knees to sit tall, then relax forward.
Shift body 180 degrees, option to move around in Paschima Navasana or just swivel, then lower from either position, engaging abs.
Sarvangasana – 2 min (last minute includes optional variations)
Pavanamuktanasana, with option to extend and alternate legs for ab toning, option to extend both for final round.
Jathara Parivartanasana, starting from Badrasana – close legs to left side first, look right.
Yoga Mudra, facing away from center
Yoga Nidra: breath – feel breath and body movements getting smaller and smaller.
Kapalabhati 2 rounds
Nadi Sudi – practice without using the hand to visualize blocking off the nostrils. 3 rounds
Meditation – 1 minute
Closing Slokah: Lokah in sanskrit and in English

Sequence 2:
Reading: The Golden Present
Chant: Hari Om (w/key change)
Netra Vyayamam: circles from sitting position
From sitting position, reach behind and open chest, head gently back.
Bring arms around, curve and stretch forward. Cat/cow from this position.
Wind-shield wiper legs, side to side
Malasana, use blanket or cushion from sitting pose under feet as needed.
Utthanasana. Hands to shin, extend spine 2xs. Roll up.
Surya Namaskarum:
#1: basic round, holding downward dog. Alternating leg bends/walking the dog.
#2: Anjaneyasana, holding with hands/arms of choice. Eka Pada with closed then open hips
Ardha Chandrasana (arms up side stretch)
#3: Anjaneyasana, option to place one hand onto of extended thigh, option knee extended, optional both hands to thigh. Plank, swaying side to side. Optional akasha bhujangasana 2xs.
Hands on shin, extend spine and hinge from hips to return to standing.
Prasarita Padotanasana: Move into 90 degrees, lower hands to floor under shoulders. Optional hands in alignment with toes, head moving toward space between feet.
Utkatasana Padanghustasana Vinyasa – legs hip width apart, balance practice
Bhujangasana: arms to cactus position, option to move into interlaced fingers
Ardha Salabasana variation: Extend arms overhead alongside ears.
Table top
Kapotasana – optional Eka Pada Kapotasana, returning to the forward bend
Adho Mukkha Svanasana, plank, Vajrasana
shift around to Savasana
Sarvangasana: 2-minutes with variations
Jathara Parivartanasana
Yoga Mudra, facing away from center
Yoga Nidra: thoughts: not judging, move away from the thoughts and dive inward to peace.
Pranayama (2 medium rounds Kapalabhati, short round Nadi Suddhi.)
Meditation (1 min)
Closing Slokah: Lokah in sanskrit and in English

Sequence 3:
Reading from The Golden Present”
Chant: Om Namo Bhagavate Satchidananda
Netra Vyayamam: Sitting – circles only
Warm-up: Open one leg from sitting position, foot flexion then spinal twist
Then Downward dog/Akasha Bhujangasana warm-up variation
Then half Surya Namaskara variation (3x’s)
Sun Salutations with Anjaneyasana round 2, into ekapada, AB option round 3 with straight arm twist.
Parsvottanasana – 90 degrees with option to fold further. Holding opposite elbows behind back.
Balance pose: Holding front or under lifted bent knee – parallel position. (prep for Utthita Hasta Pandangustasana)
Bhujangasana into Sphinx, back to Bhujangasana
Salabasana (option to do Ardha S)
Uthitta Dhanurasana
Vajrasana into optional Malasana into optional Bakasana/Kakasana
Utthanasana, stay forward and walk around to face other way, lie down
Sarvangasana (2 min. 1 min variations including Niralamba S)
Optional Halasana into optional Karnapidasana
Mayurasana variation with pillow
Balasana with twist (weaving arm under other arm)
Yoga mudra
Yoga nidra (thought path: Stream of thoughts that come to pass, come to pass)
Pranayama (2 long rounds Kapalabhati, short round Nadi Suddhi.)
Meditation (1.5 min)
Closing sloka: Lhoka 3x’s

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