If We Can Stop, It Will Stop

I was talking with my friend Cimi after Saturday's Hatha Foundations class. I've been feeling the heaviness of all that's going on and realized my empathic nature was holding too much. I've been going non-stop since COVID started and with some heavy family matters on...

My, What a Beautiful Digestive System You Have!

Inspired by: Happy World Compliment DayNational Women's History MonthObserving National Nutrition MonthInternational Zero Discrimination Day Has anyone ever told you what a beautiful digestive system you have? I mean, wouldn’t that be a nice compliment?!...

The Easy Way to Clean the Hard Drive

Inspired by: Black History Month National Clean Out Your Computer Day Happy Early Valentine's Day   There's an important practice in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali known as Saucha - Cleanliness or Purity.  Now I know we're not quite at spring cleaning time,...

Falling and Feeling, Rising and Realizing

Inspired by today:Black History MonthNational Get Up DayNational Freedom Day Monday, February 1, 2021 - 2.1.2021.  I like it. The first of a new month. The first workday of a new week. A day as well as a month that signals some important things...

I Mean What I Don’t Always Say

Today is National Opposite Day   At first thought it seemed like a fun and simple thing to recognize - National Opposite Day.  And then I thought more about it. And to be properly in sync with the notion of this concept, today is NOT Opposite Day - that's...

Our Memory and Our Truth

We do well to remember and to remember what's true. That alone is a difficult thing to manage when a certain portion of our education and our history stears for the convenience of some other means. We have various ways to experience the reality of our days...

Paying for Harm, Praying for Arms – 1.11.2021

Watch this video trailer from the Documentary, Break the Chain, 2017 (Updates have been made to this article since the first publication in the 1.11.2021 Newsletter.)Inspired by these national awarenesses:National Human Trafficking Awareness...

21 Days, 52 Mondays and 108 Practices for 2021!

21 Considerations for Moving into 2021:   For the Mind Consider how Health is Wealth* Allow for quiet-time and reflection Develop something that requires daily discipline Track your hourly/weekly time and energy output Add 3 - 30 second...

“What You Are The World Is” by Mia Velez

Admittedly, I was annoyed with the celebration of Biden's win last Saturday.  Not that I wanted Trump to win, but I wasn’t satisfied with the choices in the first place.  I was pretty irritated by all the partying when the work ahead is still so...

Managing the Turbulence

The road ahead looks bumpy, the skies in California are still smoky and the uncertainty of many pressing issues are still in the process of unfolding…turbulence ahead on the outside and a reminder that we all have the tools to keep focused and grounded on the inside. ...

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