by admin | Jul 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
July! We’re mid-way into 2019 and it’s been another dynamic year of relating to worldly matters! Whether from a political, ecological, social or personal perspective, I feel there is much to reflect on….and celebrate! It’s such an interesting time to wonder what is...
by admin | May 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Hooray it’s May, 2019! As we celebrate our mothers who gave us life, MAY we also take a moment to reflect on the life we’ve been given…or chosen! Do you believe you chose to be here or that it’s by accident? Is some other force guiding us or is every moment the spark...
by admin | May 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Mayurasana | Peacock Pose by Mukunda Marc Morozumi (Posted in the May 2017 Integral Yoga Newsletter) Mayurasana is a balance pose that when practiced in full expression, resembles the balancing head and tail feathers of a peacock while the yogi balances on the hands...
by Marc Morozumi | Nov 8, 2016 | Uncategorized
–We Are Destined to Thrive!– When we think about what we eat, what we watch, who we surround ourselves with, we may notice a theme. Do we do things that uplift, nourish and support who we are and what we do or do we seem to draw in heavy, energy draining...